39 profession of spouse vedic astrology

Marriage partner prediction from astrology - Vedicknowledge Venus is the natural indicator for marriage and it is the indicator of Wife in a Males chart. Jupiter is the indicator of husband in a female chart and Mars is the indicator of Boyfriend. But nowadays as in most cases we see that boyfriend and husband are same, so the importance of Mars has increased in a females chart. Loyal Spouse Astrology | Loving Husband in Astrology | Astro Yogendra Jupiter in 7th House Partner/ Spouse/ Husband Or Wif e. When Jupiter is placed in 7th house in a native horoscope then your spouse would be loyal, dedicated, caring, honest, wise, very knowledgeable, and full of wisdom. If Jupiter is posited in the 7th house can be a divine blessing. It can provide you a partner of excellent social standing ...

Vedic astrology and planetary conditions to have foreign spouse Venus is the main Karaka for Marriage and for female Jupiter represents the husband. So if these two planets are connected with Rahu occupy helpful sign, it indicates foreign spouse in astrology. The Most important House for getting a foreigner spouse is 12th house. 4th house is the own land and 12th house is a foreign land.

Profession of spouse vedic astrology

Profession of spouse vedic astrology

spouse prediction in astrology spouse characteristics beautiful spouse ... In astrology, spouse profession can be predicted from the Lagna chart and navamsa chart. In a kundali, the 10th house is the house of career. If you want to know the profession of spouse, count the 10th house from the 7th house because it is that the house of the marriage and 10th house from 7th house will give clues about the career of the spouse. How To Predict Spouse From Birth Chart? - Vedic Astrology Blog Your spouse could also be in the profession of teaching and education. While, you yourself could be a teacher or a guru. Mercury in the 7th house. Mercury in the 7th house makes your spouse very intelligent and talkative. One of the key things to note here is that Mercury in the 7th house also gives you a spouse who could be younger to you. How to determine a spouse's profession as per my Navamsa chart ... - Quora The house Venus or Jupiter are placed in will show you how you will meet your spouse. If Jupiter or Venus is in the :- First house - this house is all about you so it is likely you will meet your partner through your own efforts to go out and find them. Second house - this house is about what you value and it is likely you will meet your

Profession of spouse vedic astrology. Spouse Astrology- Profession| Nature| Appreance| Rich Husband Or Wife As per Vedic Astrology, your 7th house and its lord decide the basic results pertaining to marriage and spouse, although Aspects, Navamsha, D-60, Upapada Lagna, Nakshatra also have a say in the final result. For looks & mental setup of spouse we need to see the zodiac which rules over 7th house. Type Of Spouse/ Partner In Astrology As Per Planets ... - AstroSanhita LEO in 7th House Partner/ Spouse/ Husband Or Wife: The spouse could be egoistic, high in dignity and respect and remains cautious and careful about their stature and position and will be of dominating personality. they will be steady, loyal and dependable. Know The Direction Of Your Future Spouse Easily - AstroSanhita February 28, 2022. by Astrologer Shankar Bhattacharjee. 20. Jan. How to find the direction of your future spouse - Know The Direction Of Your Future Spouse Easily: Marriage plays a very important role in our life. If we divide our life span into two parts then marriage obviously comes in the interval, it changes the story to some extent ... How do you determine a spouse's profession according to my Navamsa ... All of us interested in knowing about our would be spouse and Vedic astrology plays a significant role in predicting the age, profession, appearance and family of the spouse. By studying the specific planetary combinations, spouse profession from Kundli can be predicted. Video advice: Spouse profession/Working field through NAVMANSH..

Profession Of Spouse - AstrologyMag.com Respected sirs, My birth details are 17/05/1993 at 3:19AM in Rajahmundry. I'm curious to know what will be the profession of my future spouse if I ever get. ... Although we try our best to give you accurate calculations based upon Vedic Astrology, we do not rule out the possibility of errors, which can be there because of various factors. ... Spouse Prediction in Astrology by 7th House Spouse Astrology Under Moon's influence, the spouse will have a changing or transferable job. A predominant moon in your Navamsa chart shows a spouse in sales and marketing, human resource professional, FMCG etc. 3. When Mars is predominant in your Rasi chart and Navamsa chart, your spouse can be in the police, military, engineer etc. 4. Know Profession of your Spouse from Vedic Astrology - YouTube Indian Vedic Astrology is one of the best way to understand how these planets impact our life to a greater extent. The astrology that is given to us as a gift by the sages in ancient times help us... Spouse Profession snapshot in Vedic Astrology.. - YouTube About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ...

Appearance of spouse, married life in astrology - Saint Speaks Appearance of spouse, married life in astrology. The appearance of a spouse in astrology is mainly influenced by Planets in the 7th house and the placement of Venus as per Vedic astrology. If there is no planet in the 7th house, we need to see the 7th Lord, Venus, and the conjunction or aspect the seventh lord has. Cheater Spouse|Extramarital Affairs| Infidelity In Marriage Planetary Combinations Indicating Extramarital Affairs in Astrology. 1. Venus when connected with the 7th house and same time afflicted by Saturn, the person doesn't give importance to customs and tend to have relationships outside marriage. If mars are also affecting such Venus then the person will have uncontrollable sexual desires. Vedic Astrology can reveal all about Your Future Husband or wife! To determine the direction that one may move after marriage, the direction indicated by the strongest planet in the 7th house can be the direction of spouse in astrology. Know about Your Would be Spouse by Astrologer KC GUPTA Spouse profession prediction from Kundli is possible in Vedic astrology. Here are some points to consider: House of Career is the 10 th house For knowing the profession of the future spouse, count the 10 th house from the 7 th house as it is the house of marriage. This concludes to tbe the 4 th house from Ascendant.

How to Find Spouse First Alphabet - The Vedic Siddhanta There are 4 kinds of Nadi: 1. Jeeva Nadi - This Nadi works with the power of breath of one who is reading the nadi. When worshiped, they get intuitive powers to predict future. The most famous are Kakaibujandar Nadi, Brighu Nadi and Sukar Nadi 2.

Future Spouse Prediction via Vedic Astrology - AstroLaabh Future spouse prediction Vedic astrology is based on the Lagna or Ascendant in the natal chart. Since the 7th house is exactly reverse to the ascendant, it is considered as mirror home of our self. Our mind is compared to the planet Moon. Hence, the seventh home from the Moon is considered as a mirror of our thoughts.

Can we know our spouse profession through vedic astrology? Sort by: best. level 1. · 2 days ago. You could look at the 10th from the 7th house, which would be the 4th house, and evaluate that for profession. 5. level 1. · 2 days ago. The Darakaraka will tell you more about the spouse, but I am not sure how to know their profession. 0.

Can you predict a spouse's characteristics and profession from Vedic ... You can know the profession of your spouse using astrology. All you gotta do is to just open up your birth chart and look who is your 7th house lord. And then, find out in what sign it is placed in your D9 chart. For example, If its placed in Sagittarius sign. Then, there are high chances that your spouse will be involved in some sort of business.

Know your Spouse through Birth Chart - Vedic Astrology Blog There are so many matters represented by each house, but we have taken only those matters which are applicable for a spouse. 1st House: Identity, appearance, health, the physical body, vitality, temperament, and perspective.

How to determine a spouse's profession as per my Navamsa chart ... - Quora The house Venus or Jupiter are placed in will show you how you will meet your spouse. If Jupiter or Venus is in the :- First house - this house is all about you so it is likely you will meet your partner through your own efforts to go out and find them. Second house - this house is about what you value and it is likely you will meet your

How To Predict Spouse From Birth Chart? - Vedic Astrology Blog Your spouse could also be in the profession of teaching and education. While, you yourself could be a teacher or a guru. Mercury in the 7th house. Mercury in the 7th house makes your spouse very intelligent and talkative. One of the key things to note here is that Mercury in the 7th house also gives you a spouse who could be younger to you.

spouse prediction in astrology spouse characteristics beautiful spouse ... In astrology, spouse profession can be predicted from the Lagna chart and navamsa chart. In a kundali, the 10th house is the house of career. If you want to know the profession of spouse, count the 10th house from the 7th house because it is that the house of the marriage and 10th house from 7th house will give clues about the career of the spouse.

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